富山 和也 Tomiyama Kazuya
職名 | 准教授 |
所属 | 社会環境系 |
電話番号 | 0157-26-9496 |
メールアドレス | tomiyama@mail.kitami-it.ac.jp |
関連ウェブサイト | https://linktr.ee/transp.kit |
博士(工学) | 路面評価型ドライビングシミュレータを用いた体感乗り心地に関する研究 | 2010 |
2001.4-2005.3 | 北見工業大学 工学部 土木開発工学科 |
2005.4-2007.3 | 北見工業大学大学院 工学研究科 博士前期課程 土木開発工学専攻 |
2007.4-2010.3 | 北見工業大学大学院 工学研究科 博士後期課程 システム工学専攻 |
2010.4-2012.9 | 北見工業大学 工学部 非常勤研究員 |
2012.10-2018.3 | 北見工業大学 助教 |
2018.4-現在 | 北見工業大学 准教授 |
- 担当授業科目(学部)
- 社会インフラ工学概論 地域未来(2020年度以前入学), 測量学実習 環境防災, 計画数理学 環境防災, オホーツク未来デザイン総合工学I 社会インフラ, 空間地理情報実習 社会インフラ, オホーツク未来デザイン総合工学II 社会インフラ, 社会インフラキャリアデザイン総合演習 社会インフラ, 交通基盤工学 社会インフラ, 交通環境工学 社会インフラ, 計画数理学 社会インフラ, 社会資本マネジメント工学 社会インフラ, 地域未来デザイン工学入門/短期履修, 地域未来デザイン工学入門 地域未来(2020年度以前入学)
- 担当授業科目(大学院)
- 交通システム特論II 社会環境, モビリティマネジメント工学特論 社会環境
- 専門分野
- 交通工学, 道路工学, 舗装工学
- 研究テーマ
- 生理心理情報を用いた社会基盤施設評価, 信号解析に基づく路面情報処理技術の開発, 地域道路基盤および環境評価, ドライビングシミュレータを用いた路面評価
- 研究内容キーワード
- 路面評価, 路面情報処理, 生理心理情報, 舗装マネジメント, ドライビングシミュレータ, 交通生理心理学, 人間工学, 道路アセットマネジメント, インフラ維持管理
- 所属学会
- 土木学会, NPO法人 舗装診断研究会
論文名/掲載誌名等 | 掲載年月 |
Evaluation of the Pavement Rutting Used by KITDS
Proceedings of DSC Asia/Pacific 2006 (CD-ROM), 1-10
2006-05 |
Study on Experimental Method for Road Surface Evaluation Using a Driving Simulator
Proceedings of DSC Asia/Pacific 2006 (CD-ROM), 1-10
2006-05 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 22, 134-137
2006-11 |
Basic Study on Rut Shape Characteristics in consideration of vehicle Dynamics
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control (MAIREPAV5), 5, 127-132
2007-08 |
Evaluation of the Pavemetnt Rutting Based on the Vehicle Dynamics
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (CD-ROM), 6
2007-09 |
Creating Road Image on Driving Simulator
Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (CD-ROM), 6
2007-09 |
Wavelet Based Approach For Identification of the Rutting Distress with Vehicle Behavior
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cold Regions Engineering in the Arctic Area, 1, 67-70
2007-10 |
Development of Pavement Rutting Index Based on Road-Vehicle Interaction: Half-Car-Based Approach
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 87, No.08-2049
2008-01 |
Quantitative Evaluation of Ride Comfort Using a Driving Simulator
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 87, No.08-3090
2008-01 |
Application of Human-Road-Interface for Pavement Rutting Evaluation
Proceedings of First International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure (CD-ROM), 1, 1-9
2008-04 |
Road Image Development Based On Driving Simulator
Proceedings of First International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure (CD-ROM), 1, 1-8
2008-04 |
Development of Half-Car Based Rutting Index
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics (CD-ROM), 6
2008-10 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 25, 314-346
2009-11 |
Evaluation Index of Rutting Related to Vehicle Ride Quality
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 89, No.10-3268
2010-01 |
Using a Driving Simulator to Determine the Most Effective Installation Location for Illuminated Delineators on Expressways under Snowstorm Conditions
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 89, No.10-1798
2010-01 |
Determining the Most Effective Locations for Illuminated Delineators for Improving Visibility on Expressways under Snowstorm Conditions Using a Driving Simulator
Proceedings of XIIIth International Winter Road Congress, 13, 1-8
2010-02 |
Pavement Ride Quality Evaluation Based on Heart Rate Variability
Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), 11, 867-876
2010-08 |
Implementation of Pavement Ride Quality Assurance Based on a Driving Simulator and Physiological Signal
Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), 11, 877-886
2010-08 |
Optimizing Panel Size for Conducting Subjective Pavement Ride Quality Ratings Using a Driving Simulator
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 90, No.11-2620
2011-01 |
A Mobile Data Collection System Using Accelerometers for Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets, 8, No.142
2011-11 |
Detecting Localized Profile Defects Related to Surface Roughness Progression on Asphalt Concrete Pavements by Wavelet Analysis
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 91, No.12-2864
2012-01 |
Improving the Quality of Profile Measurements by Lifting Wavelet Filters
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 92, No. 13-3405
2013-01 |
Application of GIS to Network Monitoring of Pavement Roughness
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, 80-87
2013-08 |
A Mobile Profilometer for Road Surface Monitoring by Use of Accelerometers
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, 20-30
2013-08 |
Study on Relationship between Road Profile and Structural Damage of the Pavement
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, 31-40
2013-08 |
Lifting Wavelet Transform for Distress Identification Using Response Type Profilers
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 93, No. 14-3520
2014-01 |
Estimation of a longitudinal true profile for expressway pavements by a mobile profiling system
Asphalt Pavements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements
2014-09 |
A study on profile improvement in pavement repair
Asphalt Pavements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements
2014-09 |
土木情報学シンポジウム講演集, 39, 189-192
2014-09 |
アスファルト, 57, 230, 36-39
2014-12 |
Effect of a Guide-light Delineation System on Driver Mental Workload and Driving Performance
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, 94, No.15-2719
2015-01 |
Application of Lifting Wavelet Transform for Pavement Surface Monitoring by use of a Mobile Profilometer
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology
2015-08 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Road Roughness Conditions by Using a Compact Road Profiler and ArcGIS
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology
2015-08 |
Physiological Information for Pavement Ride Quality Verification
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology
2015-08 |
舗装, 51, 6, 3-8
2016-06 |
舗装, 51, 6, 9-16
2016-06 |
Characterization of Surface Roughness on Municipal Pavements
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements, 8, 900-909
2016-07 |
土木情報学シンポジウム講演集, 41, 113-115
2016-09 |
Fundamental Assessment of Installation Configuration and Visual Range for a Guide-Light Delineation System
Transportation Research Board, 96, No.17-02989
2017-01 |
Accuracy of Road Surface Profilers in TRUE Project: Experiment to Compare Test Methods for Surface Roughness Under Actual Road Environment
Transportation Research Board, 96, No.17-03150
2017-01 |
Effectiveness of Retroreflective Tape at Rear End of Heavy Trucks to Increase Visibility and Reduce Rear-End Collisions
Transportation Research Board, 96, No.17-03792
2017-01 |
Driving on Rough Surface Requires Care and Attention
Transportation Research Procedia, 22, 392-398
2017-05 |
舗装, 52, 5, 27-32
2017-05 |
Test Method for Accuracy Verification of Low-speed Profilers in Construction Control of Pavement Surface
Proceedings of the International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities (2017 MAIREINFRA), 1
2017-07 |
Harmonization of Devices for Measuring Surface Roughness in True Project
Proceedings of the International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (10th ICPT 2017), 10
2017-08 |
Road Roughness Evaluation Considering Mental Fatigue Accumulation on Heart Rate Signals
Proceedings of the International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (10th ICPT 2017), 10
2017-08 |
土木情報学シンポジウム講演集, 42, 81-84
2017-09 |
道東における舗装路面の管理実態と モバイルプロフィロメータ(MPM)の地域実装
土木学会北海道支部論文報告集, 74, E-30
2018-01 |
Crack Identification by use of Tire/road Noise
Proceedings of SURF2018, 8
2018-05 |
Comparison of Different Roughness Measuring Devices in True Project
Proceedings of SURF2018, 8
2018-05 |
Contribution of Physiopsychological Measurements to Improving Ride Experience of Road Users Related to Surfaces Unevenness
Proceedings of SURF2018, 8
2018-05 |
Development of a Road Roughness Index based on the Bicycle Vibration Response
Transportation Research Board, 98, 19-04363
2019-01 |
舗装, 54, 1, 9-14
2019-01 |
舗装, 54, 3, 30-36
2019-03 |
舗装, 54, 7, 36-37
2019-07 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of the Devices Measuring International Roughness Index in TRUE Project
Proceedings of 11th ICPT 2019, 11
2019-07 |
Evaluation of Surface Characteristics on Sidewalk Pavements for Ride Quality of an Electric Mobility Scooter
Transportation Research Board, 99
2020-01 |
ハンドル型電動車いすの振動 乗り心地を考慮した走行路面評価
地域ケアリング, 22, 5, 88-91
2020-05 |
舗装, 55, 10, 20-25
2020-10 |
土木学会北海道支部論文報告集, 77, E-12
2021-01 |
舗装考 生理心理と路面評価
舗装, 56, 3, 1-2
2021-03 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of the Devices Measuring International Roughness Index in TRUE Project: Five Years Report
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1075
2021-03 |
舗装, 56, 3, 31-36
2021-03 |
舗装, 56, 3, 40-41
2021-03 |
日本道路会議論文集, 34
2021-11 |
日本道路会議論文集, 34
2021-11 |
日本道路会議論文集, 34
2021-11 |
舗装, 57, 3, pp.27-31
2022-03 |
地上型レーザースキャナと高精度 GNSS の組み合わせによる省力化・効率化と路面評価
道路建設, 792, 5, 63-67
2022-05 |
第4回 「i-Constructionの推進に関するシンポジウム」発表論文 集, 4, 61-64
2022-07 |
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集, PL2022- 027
2022-08 |
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集 , PL2022-023
2022-08 |
ウェーブレット変換による 歩行空間路面の三次元点群データ解析
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集 , PL2022-025
2022-08 |
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集, PL2022- 021
2022-08 |
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集, PL2022- 022
2022-08 |
第27回舗装工学講演会講演集 , PL2022-026
2022-08 |
Human-centered Evaluation with Biosignals for Localized Surface Roughness on Expressway Pavements
Proceedings of SURF2022, 9, ID-350
2022-09 |
Characterization of Surface Roughness on the basis of Vibration Response Corresponding to the Ride Quality of Micromobilities
Proceedings of SURF2022, 9, ID-287
2022-09 |
PDRG Meeting JRPUG 2022開催報告
舗装, 58, 2, 39-39
2023-02 |
Contribution of Dual-tree Complex Wavelet to Three-dimensional Analysis of Pavement Surfaces
Proceedings of 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2023), 136
2023-07 |
Evaluation of Walkability on Pavement Surfaces Considering the Shoe Differences Based on Electromyography
Proceeding KRTJ, 16, 1, 1-13
2023-10 |
Consistency of International Roughness Index and Vehicle Interaction in Ride Quality Evaluation for Expressway Pavements
Proceeding KRTJ, 16, 1, 1-12
2023-10 |
Waveband Analysis of Road Surface Roughness based on Mental Stress of Users Considering Vehicle Driving Speed
Proceeding KRTJ, 16, 1, 1-14
2023-10 |
Relationship Between the Degree of Pothole and International Roughness Index for Pavement Maintenance Prioritization
Proceeding KRTJ, 16, 1, 1-13
2023-10 |
Developing Road Asset Management System (RAMS) using Pavement Management, Trip-based Model, and User Satisfaction Approaches
Proceeding KRTJ, 16, 1, 1-14
2023-10 |
発表題名 | 発行年月 |
Study on Experimental Method for Road Surface Evaluation Using a Driving Simulator
DSC Asia/Pacific 2006, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
2006-05 |
Evaluation of the Pavement Rutting Used by KITDS
DSC Asia/Pacific 2006, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan
2006-05 |
Basic Study on Rut Shape Characteristics in consideration of vehicle Dynamics
Fifth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, MAIREPAV, Park City, Utah, USA
2007-08 |
Creating Road Image on Driving Simulator
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, EASTS, Dalian, China
2007-09 |
Evaluation of the Pavemetnt Rutting Based on the Vehicle Dynamics
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, EASTS, Dalian, China
2007-09 |
Wavelet Based Approach For Identification of the Rutting Distress with Vehicle Behavior
International Workshop on Cold Regions Engineering in the Arctic Area, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Japan
2007-10 |
Quantitative Evaluation of Ride Comfort Using a Driving Simulator
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
2008-01 |
Development of Pavement Rutting Index Based on Road-Vehicle Interaction: Half-Car-Based Approach
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
2008-01 |
Application of Human-Road-Interface for Pavement Rutting Evaluation
First International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure, iSMARTi, Beijing, China
2008-04 |
Road Image Development Based On Driving Simulator
First International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure, iSMARTi, Beijing, China
2008-04 |
Development of Half-Car Based Rutting Index
6th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics, PIARC, Portorož, Slovenia
2008-10 |
Using a Driving Simulator to Determine the Most Effective Installation Location for Illuminated Delineators on Expressways under Snowstorm Conditions
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
2010-01 |
Evaluation Index of Rutting Related to Vehicle Ride Quality
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
2010-01 |
Determining the Most Effective Locations for Illuminated Delineators for Improving Visibility on Expressways under Snowstorm Conditions Using a Driving Simulator
XIIIth International Winter Road Congress, PIARC, Québec, Canada
2010-02 |
Implementation of Pavement Ride Quality Assurance Based on a Driving Simulator and Physiological Signal
The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), ISAP, Nagoya, Japan
2010-08 |
Pavement Ride Quality Evaluation Based on Heart Rate Variability
The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), pp.867-876 (CD-ROM), ISAP, Nagoya, Japan
2010-08 |
Optimizing Panel Size for Conducting Subjective Pavement Ride Quality Ratings Using a Driving Simulator
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
2011-01 |
A Mobile Data Collection System Using Accelerometers for Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation
8th International Conference on Managing Pavement Assets, ICMPA, Santiago, Chile
2011-11 |
Detecting Localized Profile Defects Related to Surface Roughness Progression on Asphalt Concrete Pavements by Wavelet Analysis
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
2012-01 |
A Mobile Profilometer for Road Surface Monitoring by Use of Accelerometers
7th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics: SURF 2012, PIARC, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
2012-09 |
Improving the Quality of Profile Measurements by Lifting Wavelet Filters
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.
2013-01 |
Automatic Detection Method of Localized Pavement Roughness Using Quarter Car Model by Lifting Wavelet Filters
8th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
2013-07 |
Application of GIS to Network Monitoring of Pavement Roughness
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, Harbin Institute of Technology, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Harbin, China
2013-08 |
A Mobile Profilometer for Road Surface Monitoring by Use of Accelerometers
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, Harbin Institute of Technology, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Harbin, China
2013-08 |
Study on Relationship between Road Profile and Structural Damage of the Pavement
7th CJWPT Conference proceedings, Harbin Institute of Technology, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Harbin, China
2013-09 |
Lifting Wavelet Transform for Distress Identification Using Response Type Profilers
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2014-01 |
A study on profile improvement in pavement repair
Asphalt Pavements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, The International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP) , Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2014-09 |
Estimation of a longitudinal true profile for expressway pavements by a mobile profiling system
Asphalt Pavements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, The International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP) , Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.
2014-09 |
Effect of a Guide-light Delineation System on Driver Mental Workload and Driving Performance
Proceedings of Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2015-01 |
Physiological Information for Pavement Ride Quality Verification
The 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, The International Committee on Pavement Technology, Dalian, China
2015-08 |
Application of Lifting Wavelet Transform for Pavement Surface Monitoring by use of a Mobile Profilometer
The 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, The International Committee on Pavement Technology, Dalian, China
2015-08 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Road Roughness Conditions by Using a Compact Road Profiler and ArcGIS
The 9th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, The International Committee on Pavement Technology, Dalian, China
2015-08 |
Characterization of Surface Roughness on Municipal Pavements
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements, MAIREPAV, Singapore
2016-07 |
Accuracy of Road Surface Profilers in TRUE Project: Experiment to Compare Test Methods for Surface Roughness Under Actual Road Environment
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2017-01 |
Fundamental Assessment of Installation Configuration and Visual Range for a Guide-Light Delineation System
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2017-01 |
Effectiveness of Retroreflective Tape at Rear End of Heavy Trucks to Increase Visibility and Reduce Rear-End Collisions
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2017-01 |
Test Method for Accuracy Verification of Low-speed Profilers in Construction Control of Pavement Surface
International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities , iSMARTi, Seoul, South Korea
2017-07 |
Harmonization of Devices for Measuring Surface Roughness in True Project
International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (10th ICPT 2017), ICPT, Hong Kong, China
2017-08 |
Road Roughness Evaluation Considering Mental Fatigue Accumulation on Heart Rate Signals
International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (10th ICPT 2017), ICPT, Hong Kong, China
2017-08 |
Regional Implementation of a Mobile Profilometer (MPM) for Surface Roughness Inspection in the Okhotsk Area of Hokkaido
International Symposium on Engineering Research 2018, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami, Japan
2018-01 |
Comparison of Different Roughness Measuring Devices in True Project
Proceedings of SURF2018, PIARC, Brisbane
2018-05 |
Contribution of Physiopsychological Measurements to Improving Ride Experience of Road Users Related to Surfaces Unevenness
Proceedings of SURF2018, PIARC, Brisbane
2018-05 |
Crack Identification by use of Tire/road Noise
Proceedings of SURF2018, PIARC, Brisbane
2018-05 |
Development of a Road Roughness Index based on the Bicycle Vibration Response
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2019-01 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of Roughness Measuring Devices in TRUE Project
RPUG-PDRG 1st Joint Meeting, PDRG, Sapporo
2019-04 |
Five Years Report for Functional and Structural Deterioration of Local Road Pavements in TRUE Project
Pavement Evaluation 2019, RPUG, Virginia, US
2019-09 |
Evaluation of Pavement Surface Texture based on the Vibration Response of Electric Mobility Scooter
First iSMARTi International Symposium on Pavement Service Functional Design and Management (PFDM), iSMARTi, Xian, China
2019-10 |
Evaluation of Surface Characteristics on Sidewalk Pavements for Ride Quality of an Electric Mobility Scooter
Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., US
2020-01 |
Pavement Surface Evaluation Interacting Vibration Characteristics of an Electric Mobility Scooter
9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation
of Pavements—Mairepav9, iSMARTi, Dübendorf
2020-07 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of the Devices Measuring International Roughness Index in TRUE Project: Five Years Report
International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technologies 2019 (ICPT 2019), ICPT, Kuala Lumpur
2021-03 |
Wavelet Coherence-based Validation of Point Cloud Data for Pavement Profile Analysis Application
ICPT2021, ICPT, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Virtual Event)
2021-07 |
Human-centered Evaluation with Biosignals for Localized Surface Roughness on Expressway Pavements
Proceedings of SURF2022, PIARC, Milano, Italy
2022-09 |
Characterization of Surface Roughness on the basis of Vibration Response Corresponding to the Ride Quality of Micromobilities
Proceedings of SURF2022, PIARC, Milano, Italy
2022-09 |
Contribution of Dual-tree Complex Wavelet to Three-dimensional Analysis of Pavement Surfaces
Proceedings of 40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC2023), The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction, Chennai, India
2023-07 |
Waveband Analysis of Road Surface Roughness based on Mental Stress of Users Considering Vehicle Driving Speed
Proceeding KRTJ (Proceeding of Asia Australia Road Conference), Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-10 |
Developing Road Asset Management System (RAMS) using Pavement Management, Trip-based Model, and User Satisfaction Approaches
Proceeding KRTJ (Proceeding of Asia Australia Road Conference), Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-10 |
Evaluation of Walkability on Pavement Surfaces Considering the Shoe Differences Based on Electromyography
Proceeding KRTJ (Proceeding of Asia Australia Road Conference), Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-10 |
Consistency of International Roughness Index and Vehicle Interaction in Ride Quality Evaluation for Expressway Pavements
Proceeding KRTJ (Proceeding of Asia Australia Road Conference), Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-10 |
Relationship Between the Degree of Pothole and International Roughness Index for Pavement Maintenance Prioritization
Proceeding KRTJ (Proceeding of Asia Australia Road Conference), Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-10 |
発表題名 | 発表年月 |
道路の構造 − 安全・安心・快適な交通環境デザイン −
北見管内指定自動車教習所職員講習会, 北海道北見市
2013-07 |
北見土木技術協会, 北海道北見市
2015-06 |
北海道土木技術会舗装研究委員会, 北海道札幌市
2015-06 |
IRI共通試験結果の活用 ー 路面プロファイラの有効性とその検証方法
NPO法人 舗装診断研究会, 東京
2016-03 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of Pavement Inspection in TRUE Project
RPUG, Rapid City
2018-09 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of Roughness Measuring Devices in TRUE Project
PDRG, Sapporo
2019-04 |
Field Experiment for Accuracy Verification of the Devices Measuring International Roughness Index in TRUE Project
ICPT, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2019-07 |
Five Years Report for Functional and Structural Deterioration of Local Road Pavements in TRUE Project
RPUG, Virginia, US
2019-09 |
Evaluation of Pavement Surface Texture based on the Vibration Response of Electric Mobility Scooter
iSMARTi, Xian, China
2019-10 |
Establishment of a Standard Protocol for Accuracy Verification of Roughness Measurement Devices in the TRUE Project
VTI, Linköping, Sweden
2019-11 |
Evaluation of Surface Characteristics on Sidewalk Pavements for Ride Quality of an Electric Mobility Scooter
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., US
2020-01 |
Pavement Surface Evaluation Interacting Vibration Characteristics of an Electric Mobility Scooter
iSMARTi, Dübendorf(リモート)
2020-07 |
Wavelet Coherence-based Validation of Point Cloud Data for Pavement Profile Analysis Application
ICPT, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Virtual Event)
2021-07 |
Measurement Characteristics of Road Surface Profiles Based on Point Clouds Acquired with ICT Devices
PDRG, Fukuoka (Virtual Event)
2021-10 |
Application of Wavelet Transform to Three-dimensional Pavement Surface Analysis
PDRG, Fukuoka (Virtual Event)
2021-10 |
Quantitative Evaluation of the Road Roughness on an Expressway based on the Continuous IRI and Heart Rate Variability
PDRG, Fukuoka (Virtual Event)
2021-10 |
土木学会建設マネジメント委員会, オンライン
2022-07 |
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
ウェーブレット変換による 歩行空間路面の三次元点群データ解析
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2022-08 |
土木学会, 京都
2022-09 |
土木学会, 京都
2022-09 |
土木学会, 京都
2022-09 |
ドボ僕学会, 京都
2022-09 |
Human-centered Evaluation with Biosignals for Localized Surface Roughness on Expressway Pavements
PIARC, Milano, Italy
2022-09 |
Characterization of Surface Roughness on the basis of Vibration Response Corresponding to the Ride Quality of Micromobilities
PIARC, Milano, Italy
2022-09 |
Measurement Characteristics of Road Surface Profiles Based on Point Clouds Acquired with ICT Devices
PDRG, Sapporo
2022-10 |
Quantitative Evaluation of the Road Roughness on an Expressway based on the Continuous IRI and Heart Rate Variability
PDRG, Sapporo
2022-10 |
Application of Wavelet Transform to Three-dimensional Pavement Surface Analysis
PDRG, Sapporo
2022-10 |
土木学会関東支部, 茨城県日立市
2023-03 |
Three-dimensional Analysis of Pavement Surface Properties based on Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Theory
iSMARTi, Guimarães, Portugal
2023-04 |
Interpretation of 3-D Pavement Surface Data withDual-tree Complex Wavelet Analysis
Road Profile Users' Group, O’Fallon, US
2023-04 |
Relationship Between the Degree of Pothole and International Roughness Index for Pavement Maintenance Prioritization
Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-08 |
Waveband Analysis of Road Surface Roughness based on Mental Stress of Users Considering Vehicle Driving Speed
Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-08 |
Consistency of International Roughness Index and Vehicle Interaction in Ride Quality Evaluation for Expressway Pavements
Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-08 |
Developing Road Asset Management System (RAMS) using Pavement Management, Trip-based Model, and User Satisfaction Approaches
Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-08 |
Development of IRI-based Maintenance Criterion Considering Trip-based and User Satisfaction Approaches
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2023-08 |
Impact of a Pothole on Road User Response in Terms of Driving Safety and Comfort for Pavement Maintenance Prioritization
土木学会舗装工学委員会, 北海道札幌市
2023-08 |
Evaluation of Walkability on Pavement Surfaces Considering the Shoe Differences Based on Electromyography
Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
2023-08 |
Ride Qulity Evaluation for Micromobility Users
Pavement Diagnosis Researchers Group, Atlanta, US
2023-09 |
Toward Innovation in Pavement Condition Evaluation with Human-Road-Vehicle Approaches
Pavement Diagnosis Researchers Group, Atlanta, US
2023-09 |
Human-centered Evaluation of Expressway Surface Condition in Terms of Mental Stress of Road Users
Pavement Diagnosis Researchers Group, Atlanta, US
2023-09 |
Comprehensive Analysis of Walkway Pavements: Opportunities and Challenges of 3-D Measurement and User-based Evaluation
European Road Profile Users' Group (ERPUG) , Athens, Greece
2023-10 |
北見土木技術協会, 北海道北見市
2024-02 |
研究課題・他 | 取得年月 |
2013.4-2015.3 |
2014.4- |
2015.4- |
2018.4- |
2019.4-2023.3 |
2023.4- |
2007 | 平成18年度土木学会北海道支部優秀学生講演賞 |
2011 | 平成22年度土木学会北海道支部奨励賞 |
2012.9 | 平成24年度土木学会土木情報学論文奨励賞 |
2013.11 | 土木学会第68回年次学術講演会優秀講演者賞 |
2013.12 | 第十八回舗装工学奨励賞 |
2015.5 | 土木学会東北支部技術開発賞 |
2015.8 | 9th ICPT Best Paper Award |
2015.12 | 第二十回舗装工学奨励賞 |
2016.11 | 土木学会第71回年次学術講演会優秀講演者賞 |
2016.12 | 第二十一回舗装工学奨励賞 |
2017.12 | 第二十二回舗装工学論文賞 |
2019.3 | 北見医工連携賞 |
2021.10 | 土木学会第76回年次学術講演会優秀講演者賞 |
2023.4 | 2nd PFDM Presentation Award |
2023.8 | The Asia Australasia Road Conference 2023(AARC2023)Best Technical Paper Award |
2007.4- | 公益社団法人自動車技術会 アクティブセイフティ部門 DSネットワークによる仮想交通環境の構築ワーキンググループメンバー |
2010.12 | 米国土木学会(ASCE) Journal of Transportation Engineering 査読員 |
2013.7.5 | 北見管内指定自動車教習所職員講習会講師 |
2013- | 土木学会舗装工学委員会路面性状小委員会 委員 |
2013.10- | Member of ICPT International Committee on Pavement Technology |
2013.12- | 特定非営利活動法人 舗装診断研究会 舗装路面性状委員会 委員 |
2015.1- | 特定非営利活動法人 舗装診断研究会 企画運営会議 委員 |
2015- | 北海道土木技術会舗装研究委員会 |
2015-2017 | 土木学会舗装工学委員会論文編集小委員会 委員 |
2016.6- | 北海道大規模小売店舗立地審議会特別委員 |
2016- | International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities (2017 MAIREINFRA) Organizing Committee Member |
2018-2019 | 土木学会舗装工学委員会論文編集小委員会 幹事長 |
2018- | RPUG-PDRG合同会議実行委員 |
2020- | 土木学会舗装工学委員会論文編集小委員会 幹事 |
2020- | 特定非営利活動法人 舗装診断研究会 舗装路面性状評価委員会 委員長 |
2020- | 土木学会インフラ健康診断小委員会幹事 |
2019- | iSMARTi PFDM International Scientific Committee Member |
2021- | Journal of Road Engineering Editorial Board Member |