博士(工学) | マイクロ波リモートセンシングによる海氷厚さの推定と海氷変動に関する研究 | 2001 |
1992.4.1-1996.3.31 | 弘前大学 理学部 地球科学科 |
1996.4.1-1998.3.31 | 北見工業大学大学院工学研究科 土木開発工学専攻 修士課程 |
1998.4.1-2001.3.31 | 北見工業大学大学院工学研究科 システム工学専攻 博士課程 |
1998.7.1-1999.6.30 | スバールバル大学コース 地球物理学科 派遣研究生 |
2000.4.1-2002.3.31 | オホーツク流氷科学研究所 |
2002.4.1-2004.3.31 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員 |
- 担当授業科目(学部)
- 物理I 地球E/未来F, 物理実験 地球E/未来F, 環境防災工学概論 地球環境(2020年度以前入学), 環境防災総合工学I 環境防災, 環境防災総合工学II 環境防災, 環境防災キャリアアップ総合演習 環境防災, 気象学 環境防災, 氷海環境工学 環境防災, 建設ICT基礎 社会インフラ, 物理実験 地球環境AB, 物理実験 地球環境CD, 物理実験 地域未来GH, 物理実験 地域未来IJ, 地球環境工学入門/短期履修, 社会インフラ工学概論 地域未来(2020年度以前入学), オホーツク地域と環境 地球環境, オホーツク地域と環境 地域未来, コース概論 地球環境
- 担当授業科目(大学院)
- 雪氷ハイドレート環境特論V 社会環境, 雪氷学特論 社会環境
- 専門分野
- 雪氷学, 海洋学, 衛星リモートセンシング
- 研究テーマ
- マイクロ波放射計による海氷厚測定
- 研究内容キーワード
- 海氷, 氷厚, マイクロ波放射計, 電磁誘導式氷厚計
- 所属学会
- 雪氷学会, リモートセンシング学会, 米国地球物理学連合, 海洋学会
タイトル/出版社等 |
第6章 衛星による北極海海氷観測
(社)日本気象学会, 2011-07 |
図説 地球環境の事典(8.7節海氷 執筆担当)
朝倉書店, 2013-09 |
成山堂書店, 2013-11 |
新版 雪氷辞典(海氷・衛星分野 分担執筆)
古今書院, 2014-03 |
フィールドの見方FENICS 100万人のフィールドワーカーシリーズ2(PartII-6 海洋観測船の生活と調査研究の日々:海を見て、データを集める)
古今書院, 2015-06 |
みんなが知りたいシリーズ2 雪と氷の疑問60(No.17,No.48執筆担当)
成山堂書店, 2016-10 |
丸善出版, 2022-12 |
(公社)日本雪氷学会, 2024-03 |
北極域の研究―その現状と将来構想(第1章 自然科学 1-5-4 海氷・河川氷・アイシング担当)
海文堂出版, 2024-03 |
論文名/掲載誌名等 | 掲載年月 |
北海道の雪氷, 20, 13-16
2001-09 |
日本船舶海洋工学会誌 , 23, 2-5
2009-03 |
Western Arctic sea ice thinning - Results from field observations and satellite remote sensing
Proceeding of the 25th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice
2010-02 |
月刊海洋 南大洋の深層水形成と海氷過程, 号外54, 62-70
2010-06 |
北海道の雪氷, 29, 53-56
2010-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 29, 65-68
2010-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 30, 143-146
2011-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 30, 139-142
2011-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 32, 138-141
2014-01 |
北海道の雪氷, 32, 134-137
2014-01 |
北海道の雪氷, 33, 65-68
2014-09 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 30, 179-182
2014-12 |
北海道の雪氷, 34, 43-46
2015-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 35, 107-110
2016-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 35, 111-114
2016-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 35, 115-118
2016-09 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 32
2016-11 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 32
2016-11 |
2017-01 |
北海道の雪氷, 36, 61-64
2017-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 36, 21-24
2017-09 |
寒地土木技術研究, 773, 28-33
2017-11 |
北海道の雪氷, 37, 125-128
2018-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 37, 103-106
2018-09 |
寒地技術論文・報告集, 34
2018-12 |
LPWA を利用したオホーツク地域の蜃気楼発生予測・公開システムの開発
北海道の雪氷, 38, 11-14
2019-09 |
UAV を用いた多視点ステレオ写真測量による海氷厚分布測定手法の開発
北海道の雪氷, 38, 85-88
2019-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 39, 27-30
2020-09 |
AMSR2 データを用いた北極海一年氷の海氷厚推定アルゴリズムの改良
北海道の雪氷, 39, 23-26
2020-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 39, 13-16
2020-09 |
北海道の雪氷, 40, 23-26
2021-09 |
雪氷面の特徴が与えるUAV-SfM 測量への影響
北海道の雪氷, 41, 43-46
2022-01 |
Comparison of sea ice thickness estimated from GCOM-W/AMSR2 and SMOS/MIRAS
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 63-64
2022-02 |
Radar observation of sea-ice and waves in a controlled laboratory environment
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 3-4
2022-02 |
Improvement of sea ice thickness measurement method using the shipborne Electro-Magnetic Inductive device
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 69-70
2022-02 |
Sea ice observation using a portable and satelliteborne passive microwave radiometers in 2021 NABOS expedition
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 18-21
2022-02 |
The results of the specialized ice observations in the Arctic Basin during autumn season in 2021
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 28-31
2022-02 |
Observation and model comparison of surface ocean waves in the Laptev Sea
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 16-17
2022-02 |
Improvement of estimating sea ice thickness using AMSR2 data for Arctic first-year ice
Proceedings of the 36th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 65-68
2022-02 |
雪氷面の特徴が与えるUAV-SfM 測量への影響
北海道の雪氷, 41, 43-46
2022-05 |
北海道の雪氷, 41, 59-62
2022-05 |
北海道の雪氷, 41, 63-66
2022-05 |
北海道の雪氷, 42, 61-64
2023-10 |
Fluctuations in distribution, type and thickness of sea ice off the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 178-181
2024-02 |
Development of a monitoring system for forecasting the occurrence of superior mirage
Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 12-15
2024-02 |
Estimating sea ice thickness of drift ice and fast ice in coastal areas by means of UAV-SfM photogrammetry
Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 323-326
2024-02 |
Analysis of short-term sea ice fluctuations occurring at Lutzow-holm Bay in JARE 64
Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 205-207
2024-02 |
Deformation of fast-ice prior to the 2023 ice breakup event in the Lutzow-Holm Bay
Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 175-177
2024-02 |
発表題名 | 発行年月 |
Observation of sea ice using 85GHz channel of DMSP SSM/I in the Sea of Okhotsk
The 13th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
1998-02 |
Interannual variations of sea ice types and relationships with air temperature in the Sea of Okhotsk
The 14th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
1999-02 |
Estimation of ice volume in the Sea of Okhotsk
The 15th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2000-02 |
Examination of reliability of sea ice thickness derived from 85-GHz channel of satellite passive microwave radiometer SSM/I
The 16th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2001-02 |
Effect of Winter Warming Event on the Sea Ice Volume in the Sea of Okhotsk
Second Wadachi Conference on Global Change and the Polar Climate, Wadati Conference,Local Organizing Committee, Japan., Tsukuba, Japan
2001-03 |
The variability of sea ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk for the recent 10 years in 1991-2001
Proceedings of the 17th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium , The Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2002-02 |
Evaluation of the thin sea ice thickness estimated by surface heat balance, dynamic model and satellite remote sensing
Proceedings of the 18th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium , The Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association, 紋別市
2003-03 |
Measurements of winter and spring Antarctic sea ice and snow thickness using an electromagnetic-inductive device
Proceedings of the 19th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, 紋別市
2004-02 |
Electromagnetic-inductive measurements for the undeformed and deformed sea-ice and snow in the East Antarctic
Proceedings of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Young Asian Biochemical Engineers Committee, Toulon, France
2004-05 |
Saline ice thickness measurement in the Saroma-ko lagoon used the single and multi-frequency electromagnetic inductive devices
Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), IEEE, Anchorage, U.S.A.
2004-09 |
Sea ice thickness measurements in the Sea of Okhotsk and Saroma-ko lagoon using the electromagnetic inductive device
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2004 (IWMST), International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology, Kitami, Japan
2004-09 |
Sea Ice Thickness Measurement in the Chukchi Sea using a Ship-borne Electromagnetic Inductive Devise
Proceeding of the 5th International Workshop on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA5), International Arctic Research Center, USA and Local Organizing Committee for GCCA5, Japan, Tsukuba, Japan
2004-11 |
Modeling internal structure of sea ice in the south Sea of Okhotsk for observing thickness of deformed ice using a ship ship-borne electro-magnetic inductive sensor
Proceedings of the 20th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, Plasticity 2005 Symposium International Scientific Committee, Mombetsu, Japan
2005-02 |
Availability of remote sensing data for ship navigation in ice:
Proceedings of the 21th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu
2006-02 |
Air-sea exchange of methane in the Sea of Okhotsk near Japan coast during drift ice season
Proceedings of the 21th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2006-02 |
Surface temperature of snow covered thin sea ice in Lake Saroma – Comparison of satellite data and field observation data
The 22nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2007-02 |
Sea ice observation by using portable microwave radiometer from the icebreaker Soya, in Okhotsk 2006
The 22nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2007-02 |
Air-sea exchange of methane in the Sea of Okhotsk
Proceedings of the 23th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium , The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu
2008-02 |
Sea-ice thickness variability in the Chukchi Sea, spring and summer 2002-2004
Proceedings of the 23th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2008-02 |
Sea ice volume estimation using passive microwave radiometer
Proceedings of the 23th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2008-02 |
Observation of land-fast ice thickness in Syowa Station using Electro- magnetic induction device
Proceedings of the 24th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu
2009-02 |
Drastic retreat of sea ice in Arctic Ocean and Subarctic seas
Proceedings of the 24th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2009-02 |
Measurement of snow depth on sea-ice by electromagnetic-induction measurements
Proceedings of the 24th Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice Symposium, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2009-02 |
Sea Ice Observation Using Ship-Borne Microwave Radiometer
Proceedings of The Nineteenth (2009) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Osaka, Japan
2009-06 |
Investigation of the seasonal navigational period of the Arctic sea routes using AMSR-E satellite microwave data
Proceedings of The Nineteenth (2009) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , Osaka, Japan
2009-06 |
Interannual Changes in Sea Ice Conditions and Seasonal Navigable Period of the Arctic Sea Routes obtained by Satellite Microwave Data
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan,
2010-02 |
Monitoring of sea-ice thickness on ice covered passages using satellite microwave sensors
Proceeding ofThe 27th international symposium on Okhotsk Sea and sea ice , The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2012-02 |
Seasonal cycle and variability of Arctic sea ice
Proceedings of the 27th international symposium on Okhotsk Sea and sea ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2012-02 |
Pack ice routing with ant colony optimization using radar images
Proceedings of the 27th international symposium on Okhotsk Sea and sea ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association , Mombetsu, Japan
2012-02 |
Interannual changes in sea ice coverage on the Northwest Passage obtained by satellite microwave data
The 22nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, International Ocean and Polar Engineering , Rhodes, Greece
2012-06 |
Estimation of Arctic sea- ice thickness from satellite passive microwave radiometers
ISAR-3 Third International Symposium on the Arctic Research, 北極環境研究コンソーシアム, 東京
2013-01 |
Route-search on ice sea using modified reinforcement learning
Proccedings of the 28th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2013-02 |
Observation of sea-ice condition in the North West Passage and the Canada Basin - from JOIS2012 cruise -
Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2013-02 |
Observation and modeling of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean: toward the short-term forecast for the Arctic sea route
Proceedings of The 28th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2013-02 |
Observation of sea ice condition along the Northwest Passage using the satellite passive microwave radiometer AMSR2
Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
2014-02 |
Obstacle avoidance and path planning in ice sea using probabilistic roadmap method
Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
2014-02 |
Distribution and interannual variability of sea ice thickness in the pack ice zone off Lützow Holm Bay, East Antarctica
Annals of Glaciology, International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2014-03 |
Automated detection of melt pond distribution during 2007–13 summers in the Arctic Ocean
Annals of Glaciology, International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2014-03 |
Helicopter-borne observation with portable microwave radiometer in the Southern Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk
Annals of Glaciology, International Glaciological Society, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2014-03 |
Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning in Ice Sea using Probabilistic Roadmap Method
The Proceedings of 22nd AIHR International Symposium on Ice, International Association for Hydro-Environment
Engineering and Research, Singapore
2014-08 |
Medium-range prediction of the Arctic sea ice area by considering processes controlling the
ice-thickness change
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Validation the sea ice thickness estimated from the satellite passive microwave radiometer by comparing with the in-situ thickness
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Estimation of melt pond fraction on Arctic sea ice using satellite microwave data
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Arctic sea route path planning based on the sea ice edge prediction
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Influences of temporal change of sea-ice distribution on oceanographic environments in the coastal
region around Mombetsu, the southwestern Okhotsk Sea
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Study on navigability and ice condition of the northern sea route from the 2014 sailing record
The proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2015-02 |
Influences of change of sea-ice distribution on oceanographic environment in the coastal water around Mombetsu- 2: Results from the monitoring survey at Okhotsk Tower
The proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2016-02 |
Field observation of impinging seawater spray using sea spray meters: Case study of the ice breaker Soya
The proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2016-02 |
Validation and improvement of estimated sea ice thickness from AMSR-E/AMSR2 in comparison with in-situ observations
Proc. 31st International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2016-02 |
Development and Verification of sea-ice thickness algorithm by AMSR2 data in the Antarctic
The proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2016-02 |
Ice navigation according to the ability of the icebreaker using ship radar images
Proceedings of the 31th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice, The Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2016-02 |
Study on prediction of sailing speed through ice covered waters on the northern sea route
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2017-02 |
Investigation of variability of sea-ice thickness in the Beaufort Sea by using in-situ data and satellite observations during 2012-2016
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2017-02 |
The measurement of ice thickness using an electromagnetic induction device onboard a sled in Saroma-ko Lagoon
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2017-02 |
Sea route selection using global dynamic window approach
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2017-02 |
Towards improving sea ice thickness estimation algorithm using AMSR2
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido
2017-02 |
Study on navigability of the Arctic Sea Route
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
Validation and evaluation of sea-ice thickness derived from satellite altimeter SIRAL in the Arctic
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
The measurement of ice thickness using an electro-magnetic induction device onboard a sled in Saroma-ko Lagoon and at Syowa Station, Antarctica
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
Study on observation of ice condition and ship speed using satellite remote sensing in the Northern Sea Route
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan,
2018-02 |
Global dynamic window approach for ice sea navigation using vessel radar image
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
Development of a new algorithm to estimate Arctic sea-ice thickness based on Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 data
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
An algorithm for estimating sea-ice type from AMSR-E data in the Beaufort Sea,
Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, Mombetsu, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2018-02 |
Sea ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea in Autumn 2018
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
Investigation of ship speed along the Northern Sea Route by satellite AIS
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
The feasibility study for ice navigation support system for the Northern Sea Route
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
Observation of multi-year ice distribution using the satellite microwave data
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Ocean, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
Radar image segmentation for sea ice navigation using deep learning
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
Development of ship speed prediction method in the ice-covered watersalong the Northern Sea Route
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2019-02 |
Estimation of sailing speed through ice covered waters based on the satellite observation along the Northern Sea Route
Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR8), The Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council, Tokyo
2019-04 |
Improvement of estimation algorithm for thickness of first-year ice in the Arctic using AMSR-E/AMSR2
Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu, Japan
2020-02 |
発表題名 | 発表年月 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 北見
2013-09 |
RADARSAT-2 によるサロマ湖氷の観測
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 北見
2013-09 |
北極海カナダ海盆における海氷厚の変動 -2002 年~2013 年の現場と衛星による観測から-
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 北見
2013-09 |
夏期北極海氷上におけるメルトポンドに関する研究 -2013 年バローにおけるメルトポンドの波長別アルベド測定-
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 北見
2013-09 |
日本海洋学会, 札幌
2013-09 |
国立極地研究所 第4回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2013-11 |
国立極地研究所 第4回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2013-11 |
2013年夏期の北西航路および北極海カナダ海盆の氷況 - JOIS2013観測速報 -
国立極地研究所 第4回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2013-11 |
夏期北極海のメルトポンド分布とアルベド測定 - 2013年砕氷船によるメルトポンド観測結果(JOIS2013)-
国立極地研究所 第4回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2013-11 |
国立極地研究所 第4回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2013-11 |
砕氷船の能力に応じた確率的ロードマップ 法を用いた氷海における航路選択
寒地技術シンポジウム, 札幌市
2014-02 |
全国高専テクノフォーラム, 札幌市
2014-08 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 八戸
2014-09 |
日本海洋学会, 長崎市
2014-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 八戸市
2014-09 |
両極海における砕氷船を利用した観測研究 北極環境研究コンソーシアム, 札幌市
2014-10 |
ここまできた北極海の海氷観測 海氷の厚さを知る
GRENE 北極気候変動研究事業特別セミナー、北極海航路の利用実現に向けて, 東京都
2014-11 |
国立極地研究所 第5回極域科学シンポジウム, 東京都立川市
2014-12 |
Seasonality and trends of freshwater exchanges between the ice and ocean in the Canada Basin
International Arctic Science Committee, Toyama, Japan
2015-04 |
hange in sea ice thickness caused by the ice motion
International Arctic Science Committee, Toyama, Japan
2015-04 |
Estimation of the Arctic sea ice thickness using the satellite microwave radiometer AMSR2
International Arctic Science Committee, Toyama, Japan
2015-04 |
An experimental development of algorithms to estimate ice thickness for the Arctic sea ice using AMSR-E and AMSR2 data
The Pacific Arctic Group, Tokyo, Japan
2015-04 |
Change in sea ice thickness caused by the ice motion
International Arctic Science Committee, Toyama, Japan
2015-04 |
橇搭載型電磁誘導式氷厚計 Ice Worm を用いた 2013-2015 年のサロマ湖広域氷厚観測
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本
2015-09 |
日本海洋学会, 松山
2015-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本市
2015-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本
2015-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本
2015-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本
2015-09 |
日本雪氷学会,雪工学会, 松本
2015-09 |
Monitoring sea ice thickness in the Arctic using satellite microwave sensors
Hokkaido University, Innovation Norway, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, National Institute of Polar Research,
Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education, Research Council of Norway, Royal Norwegian Embassy
, Tokyo
2016-06 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 名古屋市
2016-09 |
A data correction method for sea ice thickness measured by the Electro-Magnetic Induction device using in-situ seawater conductivity
国立極地研究所, 東京都立川市
2016-11 |
北極域研究共同推進拠点J-ArcNet,ArCS北極域研究推進プロジェクト, 東京都中央区
2017-03 |
Arctic challenge for ice observation and ice navigation
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2018-01 |
Arctic challenge for ice observation and ice navigation
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2018-01 |
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 札幌市
2018-09 |
ドローン空撮とステレオ写真測量による海氷厚分布の計測 ―グリーンランド北西部・カナーク村沿岸を対象に―
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 札幌市
2018-09 |
北極域研究共同推進拠点, 東京都
2018-12 |
一般社団法人北海道開発技術センター, 札幌市
2018-12 |
Measurements of lake ice thickness in the Saroma-ko Lagoon using the sledge-borne Electro-Magnetic induction device during 2013-2018
国立極地研究所, 東京都立川市
2018-12 |
積雪によるオーバラン事故を防ぐための技術 -滑⾛路埋設型積雪センサGLASS の開発-
気象影響防御技術コンソーシアム, 東京都
2018-12 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部, 札幌市
2019-05 |
2次元小型分光計による雪氷判別について -路面上に分布した雪氷,積雪断面の場合-
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 山形市
2019-09 |
UAVを利用した定着氷・座礁氷の数値表面モデル作成 -グリーンランド北西部での成果と課題-
日本雪氷学会,日本雪工学会, 山形市
2019-09 |
Estimation of sailing speed through ice covered waters along the NSR based on the ASMR2 data
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2020-03 |
Beaufort Gyre freshwater content in 2003-2018
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2020-03 |
Generating sea ice DEM using UAV images for sea ice thickness estimation
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2020-03 |
Development of algorithm for the estimation of sea ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean using AMSR2 data
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2020-03 |
Classification of sea ice and glacier using ASCAT data in the northwestern Greenland
Japan Consortium for Arctic Environmental Research, Tokyo, Japan
2020-03 |
2020-11 |
北極海カナダ海盆における海氷厚の変動 −2010年〜2019年の船舶搭載型電磁誘導式氷厚計による現場観測から−
2020-11 |
2020-11 |
Mapping Lake Ice Thickness Distribution Using UAV in the Saroma-ko Lagoon
The 11th Symposium on Polar Science
2020-12 |
Monitoring of Sea Ice Thickness around Yamal Peninsula using AMSR2
The 11th Symposium on Polar Science
2020-12 |
Development and Installation of Network Connected Meteorological Sensors in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage region
The 11th Symposium on Polar Science
2020-12 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部, オンライン
2021-05 |
日本地球惑星科学連合, オンライン
2021-06 |
Radiation characteristics of thin sea ice in the ice tank experiment using multifrequency passive microwave radiometers
日本地球惑星科学連合, オンライン
2021-06 |
Estimated liquid water content in the near-infrared region using snow monitoring sensor
The 2021 International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology, Kitami
2021-09 |
日本雪氷学会, 千葉-オンライン
2021-09 |
Microwave remote sensing of first year ice with snow cover
The 2021 International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology, Kitami
2021-09 |
日本雪氷学会, 千葉-オンライン
2021-09 |
Ocean wave observation in the Arctic Ocean north of the Laptev Sea
The 12th Symposium on Polar Science
2021-12 |
Observation of Total Ice Thickness Using UAV-SfM in the Saroma-ko Lagoon
The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, Tachikawa
2021-12 |
Observation of sea ice using portable passive microwave radiometers in NABOS 2021 expedition
The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, Tachikawa
2021-12 |
Comparison of sea ice thickness estimated from GCOM-W/AMSR2 and SMOS/MIRAS
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research , Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
Observation and model comparison of surface ocean waves in the Laptev Sea
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
Radar observation of sea-ice and waves in a controlled laboratory environment
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
Sea ice observation using a portable and satelliteborne passive microwave radiometers in 2021 NABOS expedition
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
The results of the specialized ice observations in the Arctic Basin during autumn season in 2021
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
Improvement of sea ice thickness measurement method using the shipborne Electro-Magnetic Inductive device
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
Improvement of estimating sea ice thickness using AMSR2 data for Arctic first-year ice
he Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research Association, Mombetsu - Online
2022-02 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部, 札幌市
2022-05 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部, 札幌市
2022-05 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部, 札幌市
2022-05 |
UAV-SfM 測量を用いた沿岸域における海氷厚の推定
日本雪氷学会, 札幌市
2022-10 |
日本気象学会 秋季大会, オンライン
2022-10 |
先端ネットワーク利用研究に関するワークショップ , オンライン
2022-10 |
Sea Ice Thickness Measurement Using UAV-SfM
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science, online, Tachikawa, Tokyo
2022-11 |
Improvement of sea ice thickness measurement method using the shipborne Electro-Magnetic Inductive device
The 13th Symposium on Polar Science, online, Tachikawa, Tokyo
2022-11 |
Estimation of sea ice thickness using UAV-SfM in Utoro, Hokkaido on the shores of
the Sea of Okhotsk
The Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7), Tachikawa, Tokyo
2023-03 |
Radiation characteristics of thin sea ice in the ice tank experiments during freezing and melting periods using multifrequency passive microwave radiometers
The Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7), Tachikawa, Tokyo
2023-03 |
Distributions and fluctuations of sea ice thickness off the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica measured by Shipborne Electro-Magnetic induction device.
日本地球惑星科学連合, 千葉県幕張市
2023-03 |
Spatial distribution of manganese in surface waters in the East Siberian Arctic Seas
The Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7) , Tachikawa, Tokyo
2023-03 |
日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, 千葉県幕張市
2023-05 |
日本雪氷学会北海道支部 研究発表会, 北海道札幌市
2023-05 |
Distributions and fluctuations of sea ice thickness off the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica measured by Shipborne Electro-Magnetic induction device
日本地球惑星科学連合 日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, 千葉県幕張市
2023-05 |
Monitoring the motion of the land-fast ice in Lü tzow-Holm Bay,
日本地球惑星科学連合 日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, 千葉県幕張市
2023-05 |
日本蜃気楼協議会 第19回研究発表会, 富山県魚津市
2023-05 |
日本ホスピタリティ・マネジメント学会, 北見市
2023-08 |
日本ホスピタリティ・マネジメント学会, 北見市
2023-08 |
日本ホスピタリティ・マネジメント学会, 北見市
2023-08 |
観光工学が支えるホスピタリティ・マネジメント:絶景を予測する~ICT 技術を活用した自然現象の発生予測と観光への利用~
日本ホスピタリティ・マネジメント学会, 北見市
2023-08 |
グリーンランド北西部カナックにおける UAV-SfM 測量を用いた海氷観測
雪氷研究大会(2023・郡山), 福島県郡山市
2023-09 |
Characteristics of sea ice and causes of outflow in the southern Sea of Okhotsk
国立極地研究所, 東京都立川市
2023-11 |
国立大学法人北海道国立大学機構オープンイノベーションセンター, 札幌市
2023-11 |
2023 Breakup of the land-fast ice in Lützow-Holm bay, Antarctica
国立極地研究所, 東京都立川市
2023-11 |
日本リモートセンシング学会第75回学術講演会, 宮城県仙台市
2023-11 |
Relationship between low pressure and sea ice during the development of a turbulent ice belt in Antarctica.
国立極地研究所, 東京都立川市
2023-11 |
Deformation of fast-ice prior to the 2023 ice breakup event in the Lutzow-Holm Bay
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research , Mombetsu
2024-02 |
Analysis of short-term sea ice fluctuations occurring at Lützow-holm Bay in JARE 64
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research, Mombetsu
2024-02 |
Fluctuations in distribution, type and thickness of sea ice off the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research, Mombetsu
2024-02 |
Development of a monitoring system for forecasting the occurrence of superior mirage
The Okhotsk Sea and Polar Oceans Research , Mombetsu
2024-02 |
研究課題・他 | 取得年月 |
2014-2016 |
2014-2016 |
2012-2014 |
2012-2014 |
2008-2011 |
2007-2010 |
2005-2007 |
2003-2005 |
2019 | 第9回気象文化大賞 |
2012 | 第2回 北海道新聞エコ大賞発表 |
2008 | 平成19年度ベストティーチング賞,北見工業大学 |
2001 | 第2回田畑賞,第16回「オホーツク海と流氷」に関する際シンポジウム |