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2002-08 |
Medical Imaging Technology, 23, 3, 172-176
2005-05 |
Wavelet denoising for tomographically reconstructed image
Opt.Rev., 13, 3, 129-137
2006-06 |
Solar Adaptive Optics System Based on Software Control
Opt.Rev., 13, 5, 338-345
2006-09 |
Performance of software-based solar adaptive optics system
Opt.Rev., 14, 3, pp.159-160
2007-05 |
Image Restoration of Io by Shift-and-Add Method and Deconvolution
Publ.Astron.Soc.Pac., 120, 865, 348-357
2008-03 |
Solar Adaptive Optics System Using an Electromagnetic Deformable Mirror
Opt.Rev., 16, 5, 558-561
2009-10 |
Deconvolution of background-subtracted shift-and-add image by a modeled point-spread-function
Opt.Rev., 16, 6, 587-593
2009-12 |
Tomographic implementation of astronomical speckle imaging from bispectra
Opt.Rev., 8, 1, 19-26
2011-02 |
応用物理教育, 36, 1, 21-24
2012-06 |
応用物理教育, 36, 2, 15-20
2012-12 |
Solar scintillation detection and ranging (SCIDAR) technique for measuring turbulent-layer heights
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 434, 2, 1205-1219
2013-09 |
Multiframe blind deconvolution applied to diverse shift-and-add images of an astronomical object
Opt.Rev., 21, 1, 9-16
2014-02 |
Deconvolution of partially compensated solar images from additional wavefront sensing
Appl.Opt., 55, 10, 2484-2488
2016-04 |
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2018-06 |
Error correction and evaluation in astronomical speckle interferometry with low-light CCD camera
Optical Review, 27, 6, 498 - 520
2020-12 |
Shift-and-add image processing incorporated with the unsharp masking method
Applied Optics, 60, 23, 6725-6729
2021-08 |