Finite Element Analysis for Complex Permittivity Measurement of a Dielectric Plate and Its Application to Inverse Problem
Electronics and Communications in Japan Part2, 84, 5, 10-19
2001-05 |
Microwave simulator based on the finite-element method by use of commercial tools
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, J84-C, 7, 905-913
2001-07 |
Finite Element Analysis of the Transmission Characteristics of Quantum Wires in a Magnetic Field
Microelectronics Journal, 32, 7, 569-577
2001-07 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-C, 9, 810-818
2002-09 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J85-C, 12, 1233-1235
2002-12 |
Simultaneous Measurement of Permittiviy and Permeability of Lossy Sheet Using Flanged Rectangular Waveguide
Elenctronics and Communications in Japan Part2, 86, 7, 32-41
2003-07 |
FEM-Based Electromagnetic Wave Simulator Running on Some Platforms by Use of Java and a Commercial Tool
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E86-C, 11, 2191-2198
2003-11 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J87-C, 5, 496-498
2004-05 |
FDTD Large-Scale Parallel Supercomputing and Its Application to the Analysis of Radiation Characteristics of an Antenna Mounted on a Vehicle
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 14, 3, 253-261
2004-05 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J88-C, 3, 169-176
2005-03 |
Application of FEM to Measurement of Permittivity and Permeability of Lossy Sheet Using Coaxial Line
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, 88, 9, 10-18
2005-09 |
日本計算工学会論文集, 20050032
2005-12 |
Curvilinear triangular-prism element for computation of band structure in photonic crystal slab
IEICE Electronics Express, 3, 5, 81-86
2006-03 |
Design of Optical Circuit Devices Based on Topology Optimization
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, 7, 850-852
2006-04 |
Photonic Crystal Waveguide Based on 2-D Photonic Crystal With Absolute Photonic Band Gap
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 18, 22, 2410-2412
2006-11 |
Application of Topology Optimization to H-Plane Waveguide Component
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E90-C, 2, 282-287
2007-02 |
日本計算工学会論文集, 2007, 25
2007-09 |
Proposal for a Compact Resonant-Coupling-Type Polarization Splitter Based on Photonic Crystal Waveguide With Absolute Photonic Bandgap
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, 2, 93-95
2008-01 |
Design of Optical Circuit Devices Using Topology Optimization Method With Function-Expansion-Based Refractive Index Distribution
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, 12, 982-984
2008-06 |
Topology optimization of coupling between slab and photonic crystal waveguide
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 50, 12, 3009-3012
2008-12 |
Topology optimization for the design of periodic microstructures composed of electromagnetic materials
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 45, 3, 210-216
2009-02 |
Topology optimization for cross-section designs of electromagnetic waveguides targeting guiding characteristics
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 45, 12, 944-957
2009-10 |
Design Optimization of H-Plane Waveguide Component by Level Set Method
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E94-C, 5, 874-881
2011-05 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌C, J94-C, 10, 227-287
2011-10 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌(C), J95-C, 7, 139-143
2012-07 |
A Study on Topology Optimization of Optical Circuits Consisting of Multi-Materials
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30, 13, 2210-2215
2012-07 |
Implementation of Free-Surface Condition for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method Using a Staggered Grid with the Collocated Grid Points of Velocities
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52, 7S, 07HD07
2013-07 |
Design of Three-Dimensional Optical Circuit Devices by Using Topology Optimization Method With Function-Expansion-Based Refractive Index Distribution
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31, 23, 3765-3770
2013-12 |
A study on optimization of waveguide dispersion property using function expansion based topology optimization method
IEICE Transactions on Electoronics, E97-C, 7, 670-676
2014-07 |
Design of ultra-compact triplexer with function-expansion based topology optimization
Optics Express, 23, 4, 3937-3950
2015-02 |
Expansion of the difference-field boundary element method for numerical analyses of various local defects in periodic surface-relief structures
Journal of Optical Society of America A, 32, 5, 751-763
2015-05 |
Efficient finite-differece time-domain computation of resonant frequencies of rectangular Lame mode resonators via a combination of the symmetry boundary conditions and the Pade approximation
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54, 07HD04
2015-07 |
Efficient scattering analysis of arbitrarily shaped local defect in diffraction grating
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E99-C, 1, 76-80
2016-01 |
電子情報通信学会論文誌, J99-C, 4, 162-165
2016-04 |
Resonant frequency analysis of a Lame-mode resonator on a quartz plate by the finite-difference time-domain method using the staggered grid with the collocated grid points of velocities
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, 07KC02
2016-07 |
Topology optimization of optical waveguide devices based on beam propagation method with sensitivity analysis
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34, 18, 4214-4220
2016-09 |
Efficient analysis of diffraction grating with 10000 random grooves by difference-field boundary element method
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E100-C, 1, 27-36
2017-01 |
Structural optimization of silica-based 2x2 multimode interference coupler using a real-coded micro-genetic algorithm
Progress in Electromagnetics Research M, 55, 169-178
2017-04 |
Efficient topology optimization of optical waveguide devices utilizing semi-vectorial finite-difference beam propagation method
Optics Express, 25, 23, 28210-28222
2017-11 |
Fast actural-size vectorial simulation of concave diffraction gratings with structual randomness
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 34, 12, 2157-2164
2017-12 |
Topology optimal design for optical waveguides using time domain beam propagation method
IEICE Electronics Express, 15, 11, 1-7
2018-05 |
Field-stitching boundary element method for accurate and rapid vectorial diffraction analysis of large-sized one-dimensional diffractive optical elements
Optics Express, 26, 16, 20023-20039
2018-08 |
Design of compact long-wavelength-pass filter in metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguide with stubs using transmission line model
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E103-C, 1, 11-15
2020-01 |
Reconstruction of scatterer shape from relative intensity of scattered field by using linearized boundary element method
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E103-C, 2, 30-38
2020-02 |
Efficient Shape and Topology Optimization Based on Sensitivity Analysis for Optical Waveguide Devices Utilizing Full-Vectorial BPM
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38, 8, 2328-2335
2020-04 |
Profile reconstruction of a local defect in a groove structure and the theoretical limit under the vector diffraction theory
Optics Express, 28, 21, 30908-30927
2020-10 |
Structural Optimization of an Optical 90 Degree Hybrid Based on a Weakly-guided 44 Multimode Interference Coupler Using a Parallelized Real-coded Micro-genetic Algorithm
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, 36, 5, 526-532
2021-05 |
Single-Mode Condition of Chalcogenide Glass Channel Waveguides for Integrated Optical Devices Operated across the Astronomical N-Band
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E104-C, 8, 386-389
2021-08 |
Design of an optical linear discriminant filter for classification of subwavelength concave and convex defects on dielectric substrates
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 39, 3, 342-351
2022-03 |
Permittivity measurement method for thin sheets using split-cylinder resonator with protrusions
IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, 8002209
2022-03 |
Inverse scattering algorithm for profile reconstruction of buried defect beneath dielectric rough surface based on domain-boundary integral hybrid method
Journal of Optical Society of America, A
2022-09 |
Bending loss analysis of chalcogenide glass channel waveguides for mid-infrared astrophotonic devices
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E106-C, 3, 107-110
2023-03 |
Permittivity estimation based on transmission coefficient for Gaussian beam in free-space method
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E106-C, 6, 335-343
2023-06 |
Design of an optical linear-discriminant filter: optimization for enhancement of filter transmittance and discrimination accuracy
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 41, 1, 139-146
2024-01 |